Workout and calisthenics equipment
The best equipment for Calisthenics & Street WorkOut is the result of a collaboration between Burningate, a leader in the discipline in terms of training and events, and Legnolandia, a leading manufacturer of outdoor fitness and recreational equipment.
Active Life Equipment:
Workout and calisthenics equipment designed to maintain physical condition and mobility.
They comprise a series of modules on which various physical exercises can be performed in a manner adapted to each person’s needs. The Workout is also a ‘tailor-made’ activity area, popular with personal trainers, identified as a meeting place for people of all ages. The exercises can be performed by different generations, without forcing, each at his or her own pace and without competitive pressure.
Calisthenics, a term that derives from the combination of the Greek words Kalòs (beautiful) and Sthenos (strength), is a type of functional training performed mainly free-body. In general, it can be defined as a set of physical exercises aimed at strengthening the physique by counteracting one’s own body-weight strength alone. Calisthenic training involves all the large muscle masses of the body, through dynamic and isometric joint and neurophysiological adaptation exercises that are initially quite simple.
The aim is to harmoniously develop the levels of strength, coordination and technique required for the skill.
Equipment is used, including the high bar for pulling, the Swedish wall bar, high and low parallel bars with a support function on which to move one’s body, and other supports with a destabilising function such as rings. In a nutshell, the goal is the ability to bring body potential to the result through movement. The means to this end is one’s own person and a calisthenics workout equipment.
These fitness machines comprise a series of modules on which various physical exercises can be performed in a manner adapted to each person’s needs. The Workout is also an area for ‘tailor-made’ activity, widely used by personal trainers as a meeting place for people of all ages. Exercises can be performed by different generations, without forcing, each at their own pace and without competitive pressure. From the exuberant ‘Teen Agers’ who challenge themselves in the virtuosity of their bodies, to the elderly who want to maintain their motor skills in a gentle way. The sporty slant of these facilities, which is based on CrossFit programmes, also allows for the most modern disciplines such as Calisthenics, Personal Fitness, Street Workout and Parkour.
Ease of use
All equipment includes a multimedia system that combines exercise and technology for enhanced activity. The Workout Full also includes a table with instructions for use and the possibility of inserting the logo and name of the equipment manager.
Which one to choose
You can choose the structure that best suits your space and needs, to be used either indoors or outdoors. If none of these configurations meet your needs, you can contact us to create a customised structure, even in colours!
These are the perfect tools for those practising Calisthenics and Street WorkOut, tested by the world’s best athletes in this discipline. The structures meet all the safety requirements for this sport, and according to European standards EN 16630. The products are covered by a guarantee and liability insurance that relieves the purchaser and the manager of the equipped area from any, however unlikely, liability caused by product defects.
This Calisthenics equipment can be used by a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced athletes.